To add activx check box in Microsoft Excell then follow below simple steps:
Goto: File → Option → Customize Ribbon → Main Tabs → select “Developer” → Ok
2. Goto: developer tab in top ribbon → insert → active x → check box
View Code will show below code.
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
End Sub4. Add below lines in between of above code.
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox2.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = False
End If
5. If you group multiple check boxes and want to one must be activated then add below code for three checkboxes as a group.
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1.Value = True Then
CheckBox2.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = False
CheckBox2.Value = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox2_Click()
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then
CheckBox1.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = False
CheckBox3.Value = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CheckBox3_Click()
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then
CheckBox1.Value = False
CheckBox2.Value = False
CheckBox1.Value = True
End If
End Sub